Mouse's House! :D


i am simultaneously having a great week and a shitty week.
on the one hand, i've been upset about self image and stuff a lot recently and like that's never fun and school's back in session really soon and people haven't always been the nicest to me there.
but on the other hand, i've made a totally sweet playlist (i love you auzzie jay), school's back in session soon and that means i get to see my few irl friends :D, and i did pretty well at my band's performance so i'm riding that high and also i finally have some free time to relax so that's pretty great

i started watching ranma 1/2 earlier this week and it seems relatively interesting. it's definitely entertaining and manages to be kinda funny too. considering it's a late 80s/early 90s anime im not certain akane is 100% intended to be queer in some way but i definitely think she would be if there weren't any sort of constraints. although maybe she is supposed to be cuz she blushes at girl ranma all the time. my only dislike of the show so far is that ranma can be kind of a dbag but hopefully he experiences some growth